;A20 PAD application ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 说明: ; 1. 脚本中的字符串区分大小写,用户可以修改"="后面的数值,但是不要修改前面的字符串 ; 2. 新增主键和子键的名称必须控制在32个字符以内,不包括32个 ; 3. 所以的注释以“;”开始,单独占据一行 ; 4. 注释不可和配置项同行,例如:主键和子健后面不能添加任何形式的注释 ; ; gpio的描述形式:Port:端口+组内序号<功能分配><内部电阻状态><驱动能力><输出电平状态> ; 例如:port:PA0<0> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [product] version = "100" machine = "cubietruck" [platform] eraseflag = 0 [target] boot_clock = 912 dcdc2_vol = 1450 dcdc3_vol = 1300 ldo2_vol = 3000 ldo3_vol = 2800 ldo4_vol = 2800 storage_type = 0 [clock] pll3 = 297 pll4 = 300 pll6 = 600 pll7 = 297 pll8 = 336 [card_boot] logical_start = 40960 sprite_gpio0 = [card0_boot_para] card_ctrl = 0 card_high_speed = 1 card_line = 4 sdc_d1 = port:PF0<2><1> sdc_d0 = port:PF1<2><1> sdc_clk = port:PF2<2><1> sdc_cmd = port:PF3<2><1> sdc_d3 = port:PF4<2><1> sdc_d2 = port:PF5<2><1> [card2_boot_para] card_ctrl = 2 card_high_speed = 1 card_line = 4 sdc_cmd = port:PC6<3><1> sdc_clk = port:PC7<3><1> sdc_d0 = port:PC8<3><1> sdc_d1 = port:PC9<3><1> sdc_d2 = port:PC10<3><1> sdc_d3 = port:PC11<3><1> [twi_para] twi_port = 0 twi_scl = port:PB0<2> twi_sda = port:PB1<2> [uart_para] uart_debug_port = 0 uart_debug_tx = port:PB22<2><1> uart_debug_rx = port:PB23<2><1> [uart_force_debug] uart_debug_port = 0 uart_debug_tx =port:PF2<4><1> uart_debug_rx =port:PF4<4><1> [jtag_para] jtag_enable = 0 jtag_ms = port:PB14<3> jtag_ck = port:PB15<3> jtag_do = port:PB16<3> jtag_di = port:PB17<3> ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; if 1 == standby_mode, then support super standby; ; else, support normal standby. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [pm_para] standby_mode = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;sdram configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [dram_para] dram_baseaddr = 0x40000000 dram_clk = 432 dram_type = 3 dram_rank_num = 0xffffffff dram_chip_density = 0xffffffff dram_io_width = 0xffffffff dram_bus_width = 0xffffffff dram_cas = 9 dram_zq = 0x7f dram_odt_en = 0 dram_size = 0xffffffff dram_tpr0 = 0x42d899b7 dram_tpr1 = 0xa090 dram_tpr2 = 0x22a00 dram_tpr3 = 0x0 dram_tpr4 = 0x1 dram_tpr5 = 0x0 dram_emr1 = 0x4 dram_emr2 = 0x10 dram_emr3 = 0x0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Mali configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [mali_para] mali_used = 1 mali_clkdiv = 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Ethernet MAC configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [gmac_para] gmac_used = 1 gmac_rxd3 = port:PA00<5><3> gmac_rxd2 = port:PA01<5><3> gmac_rxd1 = port:PA02<5><3> gmac_rxd0 = port:PA03<5><3> gmac_txd3 = port:PA04<5><3> gmac_txd2 = port:PA05<5><3> gmac_txd1 = port:PA06<5><3> gmac_txd0 = port:PA07<5><3> gmac_rxclk = port:PA08<5><3> gmac_rxerr = port:PA09<0><3> gmac_rxctl = port:PA10<5><3> gmac_mdc = port:PA11<5><3> gmac_mdio = port:PA12<5><3> gmac_txctl = port:PA13<5><3> gmac_txclk = port:PA14<0><3> gmac_txck = port:PA15<5><3> gmac_clkin = port:PA16<5><3> gmac_txerr = port:PA17<0><3> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;i2c configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [twi0_para] twi0_used = 1 twi0_scl = port:PB0<2> twi0_sda = port:PB1<2> [twi1_para] twi1_used = 0 twi1_scl = port:PB18<2> twi1_sda = port:PB19<2> [twi2_para] twi2_used = 0 twi2_scl = port:PB20<2> twi2_sda = port:PB21<2> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;uart configuration ;uart_type --- 2 (2 wire), 4 (4 wire), 8 (8 wire, full function) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [uart_para0] uart_used = 1 uart_port = 0 uart_type = 2 uart_tx = port:PB22<2><1> uart_rx = port:PB23<2><1> [uart_para1] uart_used = 0 uart_port = 1 uart_type = 8 uart_tx = port:PA10<4><1> uart_rx = port:PA11<4><1> uart_rts = port:PA12<4><1> uart_cts = port:PA13<4><1> uart_dtr = port:PA14<4><1> uart_dsr = port:PA15<4><1> uart_dcd = port:PA16<4><1> uart_ring = port:PA17<4><1> [uart_para2] uart_used = 1 uart_port = 2 uart_type = 4 uart_tx = port:PI18<3><1> uart_rx = port:PI19<3><1> uart_rts = port:PI16<3><1> uart_cts = port:PI17<3><1> [uart_para3] uart_used = 0 uart_port = 3 uart_type = 4 uart_tx = port:PH00<4><1> uart_rx = port:PH01<4><1> uart_rts = port:PH02<4><1> uart_cts = port:PH03<4><1> [uart_para4] uart_used = 0 uart_port = 4 uart_type = 2 uart_tx = port:PH04<4><1> uart_rx = port:PH05<4><1> [uart_para5] uart_used = 0 uart_port = 5 uart_type = 2 uart_tx = port:PH06<4><1> uart_rx = port:PH07<4><1> [uart_para6] uart_used = 0 uart_port = 6 uart_type = 2 uart_tx = port:PA12<4><1> uart_rx = port:PA13<4><1> [uart_para7] uart_used = 0 uart_port = 7 uart_type = 2 uart_tx = port:PA14<4><1> uart_rx = port:PA15<4><1> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;spi configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [spi0_para] spi_used = 0 spi_cs_bitmap = 1 spi_cs0 = port:PI10<2> spi_cs1 = port:PI14<2> spi_sclk = port:PI11<2> spi_mosi = port:PI12<2> spi_miso = port:PI13<2> [spi1_para] spi_used = 0 spi_cs_bitmap = 1 spi_cs0 = port:PA00<3> spi_cs1 = port:PA04<3> spi_sclk = port:PA01<3> spi_mosi = port:PA02<3> spi_miso = port:PA03<3> [spi2_para] spi_used = 0 spi_cs_bitmap = 1 spi_cs0 = port:PC19<3> spi_cs1 = port:PB13<2> spi_sclk = port:PC20<3> spi_mosi = port:PC21<3> spi_miso = port:PC22<3> [spi3_para] spi_used = 0 spi_cs_bitmap = 1 spi_cs0 = port:PA05<3> spi_cs1 = port:PA09<3> spi_sclk = port:PA06<3> spi_mosi = port:PA07<3> spi_miso = port:PA08<3> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;capacitor tp configuration ;external int function ;wakeup output function ;notice: ; tp_int_port & tp_io_port use the same port ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ctp_para] ctp_used = 0 ctp_name = "gt811" ctp_twi_id = 2 ctp_twi_addr = 0x40 ctp_screen_max_x = 1024 ctp_screen_max_y = 600 ctp_revert_x_flag = 0 ctp_revert_y_flag = 0 ctp_exchange_x_y_flag = 1 ctp_firm = 1 ctp_int_port = port:PH21<6> ctp_wakeup = port:PB13<1><1> ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CTP automatic detection configuration ;ctp_detect_used --- Whether startup automatic inspection function. 1:used,0:unused ;Module name postposition 1 said detection, 0 means no detection. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ctp_list_para] ctp_det_used = 0 ft5x_ts = 0 gt82x = 0 gslX680 = 0 gt9xx_ts = 0 gt811 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;touch key configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [tkey_para] tkey_used = 0 tkey_twi_id = 2 tkey_twi_addr = 0x62 tkey_int = port:PI13<6> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;motor configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [motor_para] motor_used = 0 motor_shake = port:PB03<1><1> [gpio_para] gpio_used = 1 gpio_num = 2 gpio_pin_1 = port:PH20<1><1> gpio_pin_2 = port:PH10<0><0> [leds_para] leds_used = 1 leds_num = 4 leds_pin_1 = port:PH21<1><0> leds_name_1 = "blue:ph21:led1" leds_default_1 = 0 leds_trigger_1 = "heartbeat" leds_pin_2 = port:PH20<1><0> leds_name_2 = "orange:ph20:led2" leds_default_2 = 0 leds_trigger_2 = "cpu0" leds_pin_3 = port:PH11<1><0> leds_name_3 = "white:ph11:led3" leds_default_3 = 0 leds_trigger_3 = "cpu1" leds_pin_4 = port:PH07<1><0> leds_name_4 = "green:ph07:led4" leds_default_4 = 1 leds_trigger_4 = "mmc0" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;nand flash configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [nand_para] nand_used = 1 nand_we = port:PC00<2> nand_ale = port:PC01<2> nand_cle = port:PC02<2> nand_ce1 = port:PC03<2> nand_ce0 = port:PC04<2> nand_nre = port:PC05<2> nand_rb0 = port:PC06<2> nand_rb1 = port:PC07<2> nand_d0 = port:PC08<2> nand_d1 = port:PC09<2> nand_d2 = port:PC10<2> nand_d3 = port:PC11<2> nand_d4 = port:PC12<2> nand_d5 = port:PC13<2> nand_d6 = port:PC14<2> nand_d7 = port:PC15<2> nand_wp = port:PC16<2> nand_ce2 = port:PC17<2> nand_ce3 = port:PC18<2> nand_ce4 = nand_ce5 = nand_ce6 = nand_ce7 = nand_spi = port:PC23<3> nand_ndqs = port:PC24<2> good_block_ratio = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;disp init configuration ; ;disp_mode (0:screen0 1:screen1 2:two_diff_screen_diff_contents ; 3:two_same_screen_diff_contets 4:two_diff_screen_same_contents) ;screenx_output_type (0:none; 1:lcd; 2:tv; 3:hdmi; 4:vga) ;screenx_output_mode (used for tv/hdmi output, 0:480i 1:576i 2:480p 3:576p 4:720p50 5:720p60 6:1080i50 7:1080i60 8:1080p24 9:1080p50 10:1080p60 11:pal 14:ntsc) ;screenx_output_mode (used for vga output, 0:1680*1050 1:1440*900 2:1360*768 3:1280*1024 4:1024*768 5:800*600 6:640*480 10:1920*1080 11:1280*720) ;fbx format (4:RGB655 5:RGB565 6:RGB556 7:ARGB1555 8:RGBA5551 9:RGB888 10:ARGB8888 12:ARGB4444) ;fbx pixel sequence (0:ARGB 1:BGRA 2:ABGR 3:RGBA) --- 0 for linux, 2 for android ;lcd0_bright (lcd0 init bright,the range:[0,256],default:197 ;lcd1_bright (lcd1 init bright,the range:[0,256],default:197 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [disp_init] disp_init_enable = 1 disp_mode = 0 screen0_output_type = 3 screen0_output_mode = 4 screen1_output_type = 0 screen1_output_mode = 4 fb0_width = 1024 fb0_height = 768 fb0_framebuffer_num = 2 fb0_format = 10 fb0_pixel_sequence = 0 fb0_scaler_mode_enable = 1 fb1_width = 1024 fb1_height = 768 fb1_framebuffer_num = 2 fb1_format = 10 fb1_pixel_sequence = 0 fb1_scaler_mode_enable = 0 lcd0_backlight = 197 lcd1_backlight = 197 lcd0_bright = 50 lcd0_contrast = 50 lcd0_saturation = 57 lcd0_hue = 50 lcd1_bright = 50 lcd1_contrast = 50 lcd1_saturation = 57 lcd1_hue = 50 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;lcd0 configuration ;lcd_dclk_freq: in MHZ unit ;lcd_pwm_freq: in HZ unit ;lcd_if: 0:hv(sync+de); 1:8080; 2:ttl; 3:lvds ;lcd_hbp: hsync back porch ;lcd_ht: hsync total cycle ;lcd_vbp: vsync back porch ;lcd_vt: vysnc total cycle *2 ;lcd_hv_if: 0:hv parallel 1:hv serial ;lcd_hv_smode: 0:RGB888 1:CCIR656 ;lcd_hv_s888_if serial RGB format ;lcd_hv_syuv_if: serial YUV format ;lcd_hspw: hsync plus width ;lcd_vspw: vysnc plus width ;lcd_lvds_ch: 0:single channel; 1:dual channel ;lcd_lvds_mode: 0:NS mode; 1:JEIDA mode ;lcd_lvds_bitwidth: 0:24bit; 1:18bit ;lcd_lvds_io_cross: 0:normal; 1:pn cross ;lcd_cpu_if: 0:18bit; 1:16bit mode0; 2:16bit mode1; 3:16bit mode2; 4:16bit mode3; 5:9bit; 6:8bit 256K; 7:8bit 65K ;lcd_frm: 0:disable; 1:enable rgb666 dither; 2:enable rgb656 dither ;lcd_gpio_0: SCL ;lcd_gpio_1 SDA ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [lcd0_para] lcd_used = 1 lcd_x = 1024 lcd_y = 600 lcd_dclk_freq = 51 lcd_pwm_not_used = 0 lcd_pwm_ch = 0 lcd_pwm_freq = 10000 lcd_pwm_pol = 1 lcd_max_bright = 240 lcd_min_bright = 64 lcd_if = 0 lcd_hbp = 158 lcd_ht = 1344 lcd_vbp = 25 lcd_vt = 1270 lcd_vspw = 3 lcd_hspw = 20 lcd_hv_if = 0 lcd_hv_smode = 0 lcd_hv_s888_if = 0 lcd_hv_syuv_if = 0 lcd_lvds_ch = 0 lcd_lvds_mode = 0 lcd_lvds_bitwidth = 0 lcd_lvds_io_cross = 0 lcd_cpu_if = 0 lcd_frm = 1 lcd_io_cfg0 = 0x00000000 lcd_gamma_correction_en = 0 lcd_gamma_tbl_0 = 0x00000000 lcd_gamma_tbl_1 = 0x00010101 lcd_gamma_tbl_255 = 0x00ffffff lcd_bl_en_used = 0 lcd_bl_en = port:PH07<1><0><1> lcd_power_used = 0 lcd_power = port:PH08<1><0><1> lcd_pwm_used = 0 lcd_pwm = port:PB02<2><0> lcdd0 = port:PD00<2><0> lcdd1 = port:PD01<2><0> lcdd2 = port:PD02<2><0> lcdd3 = port:PD03<2><0> lcdd4 = port:PD04<2><0> lcdd5 = port:PD05<2><0> lcdd6 = port:PD06<2><0> lcdd7 = port:PD07<2><0> lcdd8 = port:PD08<2><0> lcdd9 = port:PD09<2><0> lcdd10 = port:PD10<2><0> lcdd11 = port:PD11<2><0> lcdd12 = port:PD12<2><0> lcdd13 = port:PD13<2><0> lcdd14 = port:PD14<2><0> lcdd15 = port:PD15<2><0> lcdd16 = port:PD16<2><0> lcdd17 = port:PD17<2><0> lcdd18 = port:PD18<2><0> lcdd19 = port:PD19<2><0> lcdd20 = port:PD20<2><0> lcdd21 = port:PD21<2><0> lcdd22 = port:PD22<2><0> lcdd23 = port:PD23<2><0> lcdclk = port:PD24<2><0> lcdde = port:PD25<2><0> lcdhsync = port:PD26<2><0> lcdvsync = port:PD27<2><0> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;lcd1 configuration ;lcd_dclk_freq: in MHZ unit ;lcd_pwm_freq: in HZ unit ;lcd_if: 0:hv(sync+de); 1:8080; 2:ttl; 3:lvds ;lcd_hbp: hsync back porch ;lcd_ht: hsync total cycle ;lcd_vbp: vsync back porch ;lcd_vt: vysnc total cycle *2 ;lcd_hv_if: 0:hv parallel 1:hv serial ;lcd_hv_smode: 0:RGB888 1:CCIR656 ;lcd_hv_s888_if serial RGB format ;lcd_hv_syuv_if: serial YUV format ;lcd_hspw: hsync plus width ;lcd_vspw: vysnc plus width ;lcd_lvds_ch: 0:single channel; 1:dual channel ;lcd_lvds_mode: 0:NS mode; 1:JEIDA mode ;lcd_lvds_bitwidth: 0:24bit; 1:18bit ;lcd_lvds_io_cross: 0:normal; 1:pn cross ;lcd_cpu_if: 0:18bit; 1:16bit mode0; 2:16bit mode1; 3:16bit mode2; 4:16bit mode3; 5:9bit; 6:8bit 256K; 7:8bit 65K ;lcd_frm: 0:disable; 1:enable rgb666 dither; 2:enable rgb656 dither ;lcd_gpio_0: SCL ;lcd_gpio_1 SDA ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [lcd1_para] lcd_used = 0 lcd_x = 0 lcd_y = 0 lcd_dclk_freq = 0 lcd_pwm_not_used = 0 lcd_pwm_ch = 1 lcd_pwm_freq = 0 lcd_pwm_pol = 0 lcd_max_bright = 240 lcd_min_bright = 64 lcd_if = 0 lcd_hbp = 0 lcd_ht = 0 lcd_vbp = 0 lcd_vt = 0 lcd_vspw = 0 lcd_hspw = 0 lcd_hv_if = 0 lcd_hv_smode = 0 lcd_hv_s888_if = 0 lcd_hv_syuv_if = 0 lcd_lvds_ch = 0 lcd_lvds_mode = 0 lcd_lvds_bitwidth = 0 lcd_lvds_io_cross = 0 lcd_cpu_if = 0 lcd_frm = 0 lcd_io_cfg0 = 0 lcd_gamma_correction_en = 0 lcd_gamma_tbl_0 = 0x00000000 lcd_gamma_tbl_1 = 0x00010101 lcd_gamma_tbl_255 = 0x00ffffff lcd_bl_en_used = 0 lcd_bl_en = lcd_power_used = 0 lcd_power = lcd_pwm_used = 1 lcd_pwm = port:PI03<2><0> lcd_gpio_0 = lcd_gpio_1 = lcd_gpio_2 = lcd_gpio_3 = lcdd0 = port:PH00<2><0> lcdd1 = port:PH01<2><0> lcdd2 = port:PH02<2><0> lcdd3 = port:PH03<2><0> lcdd4 = port:PH04<2><0> lcdd5 = port:PH05<2><0> lcdd6 = port:PH06<2><0> lcdd7 = port:PH07<2><0> lcdd8 = port:PH08<2><0> lcdd9 = port:PH09<2><0> lcdd10 = port:PH10<2><0> lcdd11 = port:PH11<2><0> lcdd12 = port:PH12<2><0> lcdd13 = port:PH13<2><0> lcdd14 = port:PH14<2><0> lcdd15 = port:PH15<2><0> lcdd16 = port:PH16<2><0> lcdd17 = port:PH17<2><0> lcdd18 = port:PH18<2><0> lcdd19 = port:PH19<2><0> lcdd20 = port:PH20<2><0> lcdd21 = port:PH21<2><0> lcdd22 = port:PH22<2><0> lcdd23 = port:PH23<2><0> lcdclk = port:PH24<2><0> lcdde = port:PH25<2><0> lcdhsync = port:PH26<2><0> lcdvsync = port:PH27<2><0> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;tv out dac configuration ;dacx_src: 0:composite; 1:luma; 2:chroma; 4:Y; 5:Pb; 6: Pr; 7:none ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [tv_out_dac_para] dac_used = 1 dac0_src = 4 dac1_src = 5 dac2_src = 6 dac3_src = 0 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;hdmi configuration ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hdmi_para] hdmi_used = 1 [camera_list_para] camera_list_para_used = 1 ov7670 = 0 gc0308 = 1 gt2005 = 1 hi704 = 0 sp0838 = 0 mt9m112 = 0 mt9m113 = 0 ov2655 = 0 hi253 = 0 gc0307 = 0 mt9d112 = 0 ov5640 = 0 gc2015 = 0 ov2643 = 0 gc0329 = 0 gc0309 = 0 tvp5150 = 0 s5k4ec = 0 ov5650_mv9335 = 0 siv121d = 0 gc2035 = 0 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;csi gpio configuration ;csi_if: 0:hv_8bit 1:hv_16bit 2:hv_24bit 3:bt656 1ch 4:bt656 2ch 5:bt656 4ch ;csi_mode: 0:sample one csi to one buffer 1:sample two csi to one buffer ;csi_dev_qty: The quantity of devices linked to csi interface ;csi_vflip: flip in vertical direction 0:disable 1:enable ;csi_hflip: flip in horizontal direction 0:disable 1:enable ;csi_stby_mode: 0:not shut down power at standby 1:shut down power at standby ;csi_iovdd: camera module io power , pmu power supply ;csi_avdd: camera module analog power , pmu power supply ;csi_dvdd: camera module core power , pmu power supply ;pmu_ldo3: fill "axp20_pll" ;pmu_ldo4: fill "axp20_hdmi" ;fill "" when not using any pmu power supply ;csi_flash_pol: the active polority of the flash light IO 0:low active 1:high active ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [csi0_para] csi_used = 0 csi_dev_qty = 2 csi_stby_mode = 0 csi_mname = "gc0308" csi_twi_id = 1 csi_twi_addr = 0x42 csi_if = 0 csi_vflip = 0 csi_hflip = 0 csi_iovdd = "axp20_pll" csi_avdd = "" csi_dvdd = "" csi_vol_iovdd = 2800 csi_vol_dvdd = csi_vol_avdd = csi_flash_pol = 0 csi_mname_b = "gt2005" csi_twi_id_b = 1 csi_twi_addr_b = 0x78 csi_if_b = 0 csi_vflip_b = 0 csi_hflip_b = 0 csi_iovdd_b = "axp20_pll" csi_avdd_b = "" csi_dvdd_b = "" csi_vol_iovdd_b = 2800 csi_vol_avdd_b = csi_vol_dvdd_b = csi_flash_pol_b = 0 csi_pck = port:PE00<3> csi_ck = port:PE01<3> csi_hsync = port:PE02<3> csi_vsync = port:PE03<3> csi_d0 = port:PE04<3> csi_d1 = port:PE05<3> csi_d2 = port:PE06<3> csi_d3 = port:PE07<3> csi_d4 = port:PE08<3> csi_d5 = port:PE09<3> csi_d6 = port:PE10<3> csi_d7 = port:PE11<3> csi_reset = port:PH14<1><0> csi_power_en = port:PH17<1><0> csi_stby = port:PH19<1><0> csi_flash = csi_af_en = csi_reset_b = port:PH14<1><0> csi_power_en_b = port:PH17<1><0> csi_stby_b = port:PH18<1><0> csi_flash_b = csi_af_en_b = [csi1_para] csi_used = 0 csi_dev_qty = 1 csi_stby_mode = 0 csi_mname = "gc0308" csi_if = 0 csi_iovdd = "axp20_pll" csi_avdd = "" csi_dvdd = "" csi_vol_iovdd = 2800 csi_vol_dvdd = csi_vol_avdd = csi_vflip = 0 csi_hflip = 0 csi_flash_pol = 0 csi_facing = 1 csi_twi_id = 1 csi_twi_addr = 0x42 csi_pck = port:PG00<3> csi_ck = port:PG01<3> csi_hsync = port:PG02<3> csi_vsync = port:PG03<3> csi_d0 = port:PG04<3> csi_d1 = port:PG05<3> csi_d2 = port:PG06<3> csi_d3 = port:PG07<3> csi_d4 = port:PG08<3> csi_d5 = port:PG09<3> csi_d6 = port:PG10<3> csi_d7 = port:PG11<3> csi_reset = port:PH13<1><0> csi_power_en = port:PH16<1><0> csi_stby = port:PH19<1><0> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;tv configuration ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [tvout_para] tvout_used = 1 tvout_channel_num = 1 [tvin_para] tvin_used = 0 tvin_channel_num = 4 [pwm0_para] pwm_used = 1 pwm_period = 20 pwm_duty_percent = 50 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;sata configuration ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [sata_para] sata_used = 1 sata_power_en = port:PH12<1><0> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SDMMC PINS MAPPING ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Config Guide ; sdc_used: 1-enable card, 0-disable card ; sdc_detmode: card detect mode ; 1-detect card by gpio polling ; 2-detect card by gpio irq(must use IO with irq function) ; 3-no detect, always in for boot card ; 4-manually insert and remove by /proc/driver/sunxi-mmc.x/insert ; sdc_buswidth: card bus width, 1-1bit, 4-4bit, 8-8bit ; sdc_use_wp: 1-with write protect IO, 0-no write protect IO ; sdc_isio: for sdio card ; sdc_regulator: power control. ; other: GPIO Mapping configuration ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Note: ; 1 if detmode=2, sdc_det's config=6 ; else if detmode=1, sdc_det's config=0 ; else sdc_det IO is not necessary ; 2 if the customer wants to support UHS-I and HS200 features, he must provide ; an independent power supply for the card. This is only used in platforms ; that supports SD3.0 cards and eMMC4.4+ flashes ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [mmc0_para] sdc_used = 1 sdc_detmode = 1 sdc_buswidth = 4 sdc_clk = port:PF02<2><1><2> sdc_cmd = port:PF03<2><1><2> sdc_d0 = port:PF01<2><1><2> sdc_d1 = port:PF00<2><1><2> sdc_d2 = port:PF05<2><1><2> sdc_d3 = port:PF04<2><1><2> sdc_det = port:PH1<0><1> sdc_use_wp = 0 sdc_wp = sdc_isio = 0 sdc_regulator = "none" [mmc1_para] sdc_used = 0 sdc_detmode = 4 sdc_buswidth = 4 sdc_clk = port:PG00<2><1><2> sdc_cmd = port:PG01<2><1><2> sdc_d0 = port:PG02<2><1><2> sdc_d1 = port:PG03<2><1><2> sdc_d2 = port:PG04<2><1><2> sdc_d3 = port:PG05<2><1><2> sdc_det = sdc_use_wp = 0 sdc_wp = sdc_isio = 0 sdc_regulator = "none" [mmc2_para] sdc_used = 0 sdc_detmode = 3 sdc_buswidth = 4 sdc_cmd = port:PC06<3><1><2> sdc_clk = port:PC07<3><1><2> sdc_d0 = port:PC08<3><1><2> sdc_d1 = port:PC09<3><1><2> sdc_d2 = port:PC10<3><1><2> sdc_d3 = port:PC11<3><1><2> sdc_det = sdc_use_wp = 0 sdc_wp = sdc_isio = 0 sdc_regulator = "none" [mmc3_para] sdc_used = 1 sdc_detmode = 4 sdc_buswidth = 4 sdc_cmd = port:PI04<2><1><2> sdc_clk = port:PI05<2><1><2> sdc_d0 = port:PI06<2><1><2> sdc_d1 = port:PI07<2><1><2> sdc_d2 = port:PI08<2><1><2> sdc_d3 = port:PI09<2><1><2> sdc_det = sdc_use_wp = 0 sdc_wp = sdc_isio = 1 sdc_regulator = "none" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; memory stick configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ms_para] ms_used = 0 ms_bs = port:PH06<5> ms_clk = port:PH07<5> ms_d0 = port:PH08<5> ms_d1 = port:PH09<5> ms_d2 = port:PH10<5> ms_d3 = port:PH11<5> ms_det = ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; sim card configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [smc_para] smc_used = 0 smc_rst = port:PH13<5> smc_vppen = port:PH14<5> smc_vppp = port:PH15<5> smc_det = port:PH16<5> smc_vccen = port:PH17<5> smc_sck = port:PH18<5> smc_sda = port:PH19<5> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;ps2 configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ps2_0_para] ps2_used = 0 ps2_scl = port:PI20<2><1> ps2_sda = port:PI21<2><1> [ps2_1_para] ps2_used = 0 ps2_scl = port:PI14<3><1> ps2_sda = port:PI15<3><1> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;can bus configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [can_para] can_used = 0 can_tx = port:PA16<3> can_rx = port:PA17<3> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;key matrix ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [keypad_para] kp_used = 0 kp_in_size = 8 kp_out_size = 8 kp_in0 = port:PH08<4><1> kp_in1 = port:PH09<4><1> kp_in2 = port:PH10<4><1> kp_in3 = port:PH11<4><1> kp_in4 = port:PH14<4><1> kp_in5 = port:PH15<4><1> kp_in6 = port:PH16<4><1> kp_in7 = port:PH17<4><1> kp_out0 = port:PH18<4><1> kp_out1 = port:PH19<4><1> kp_out2 = port:PH22<4><1> kp_out3 = port:PH23<4><1> kp_out4 = port:PH24<4><1> kp_out5 = port:PH25<4><1> kp_out6 = port:PH26<4><1> kp_out7 = port:PH27<4><1> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;[usbc0]:控制器0的配置。 ;usb_used:USB使能标志。置1,表示系统中USB模块可用,置0,则表示系统USB禁用。 ;usb_port_type:USB端口的使用情况。 0:device only;1:host only;2:OTG ;usb_detect_type:USB端口的检查方式。0:不做检测;1:vbus/id检查;2:id/dpdm检查 ;usb_id_gpio:USB ID pin脚配置。具体请参考gpio配置说明。 ;usb_det_vbus_gpio:USB DET_VBUS pin脚配置。具体请参考gpio配置说明。 ;usb_drv_vbus_gpio:USB DRY_VBUS pin脚配置。具体请参考gpio配置说明。 ;usb_det_vbus_gpio: "axp_ctrl",表示axp 提供 ;usb_restrict_gpio usb限流控制pin ;usb_restric_flag: usb限流标置 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- USB0控制标志 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [usbc0] usb_used = 1 usb_port_type = 2 usb_detect_type = 1 usb_id_gpio = port:PH19<0><1> usb_det_vbus_gpio = port:PH22<1><0><0> usb_drv_vbus_gpio = port:PH17<1><0><0> usb_restrict_gpio = port:PH00<1><0><0> usb_host_init_state = 1 usb_restric_flag = 0 usb_restric_voltage = 3550000 usb_restric_capacity= 5 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- USB1控制标志 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [usbc1] usb_used = 1 usb_port_type = 1 usb_detect_type = 0 usb_drv_vbus_gpio = port:PH06<1><0><0> usb_restrict_gpio = usb_host_init_state = 1 usb_restric_flag = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;--- USB2控制标志 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [usbc2] usb_used = 1 usb_port_type = 1 usb_detect_type = 0 usb_drv_vbus_gpio = port:PH03<1><0><0> usb_restrict_gpio = usb_host_init_state = 1 usb_restric_flag = 0 ;-------------------------------- ;--- USB Device ;-------------------------------- [usb_feature] vendor_id = 0x18D1 mass_storage_id = 0x0001 adb_id = 0x0002 manufacturer_name = "USB Developer" product_name = "Android" serial_number = "20080411" [msc_feature] vendor_name = "USB 2.0" product_name = "USB Flash Driver" release = 100 luns = 3 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; G sensor configuration ; gs_twi_id --- TWI ID for controlling Gsensor (0: TWI0, 1: TWI1, 2: TWI2) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [gsensor_para] gsensor_used = 0 gsensor_twi_id = 1 gsensor_int1 = gsensor_int2 = ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; G sensor automatic detection configuration ;gsensor_detect_used --- Whether startup automatic inspection function. 1:used,0:unused ;Module name postposition 1 said detection, 0 means no detection. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [gsensor_list_para] gsensor_det_used = 1 bma250 = 1 mma8452 = 1 mma7660 = 1 mma865x = 1 afa750 = 1 lis3de_acc = 1 lis3dh_acc = 1 kxtik = 1 dmard10 = 0 dmard06 = 1 mxc622x = 1 fxos8700 = 1 lsm303d = 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; gps gpio configuration ; gps_spi_id --- the index of SPI controller. 0: SPI0, 1: SPI1, 2: SPI2, 15: no SPI used ; gps_spi_cs_num --- the chip select number of SPI controller. 0: SPI CS0, 1: SPI CS1 ; gps_lradc --- the lradc number for GPS used. 0 and 1 is valid, set 2 if not use lradc ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [gps_para] gps_used = 0 gps_spi_id = 2 gps_spi_cs_num = 0 gps_lradc = 1 gps_clk = port:PI00<2> gps_sign = port:PI01<2> gps_mag = port:PI02<2> gps_vcc_en = port:PC22<1><0> gps_osc_en = port:PI14<1><0> gps_rx_en = port:PI15<1><0> ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;wifi configuration ;wifi_sdc_id --- 0- SDC0, 1- SDC1, 2- SDC2, 3- SDC3 ;wifi_usbc_id --- 0- USB0, 1- USB1, 2- USB2 ;wifi_usbc_type -- 1- EHCI(speed 2.0), 2- OHCI(speed 1.0) ;wifi_mod_sel --- 0- none, 1- bcm40181, 2- bcm40183(wifi+bt), ; 3 - rtl8723as(wifi+bt), 4- rtl8189es(SM89E00), ; 5 - rtl8192cu, 6 - rtl8188eu, 7 - ap6210 ; 8 - ap6330 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [wifi_para] wifi_used = 1 wifi_sdc_id = 3 wifi_usbc_id = 2 wifi_usbc_type = 1 wifi_mod_sel = 7 wifi_power = "" ; 1 - bcm40181 sdio wifi gpio config ;bcm40181_shdn = port:PH09<1><0> ;bcm40181_host_wake = port:PH10<0><0> ; 2 - bcm40183 sdio wifi gpio config ;bcm40183_wl_regon = port:PH09<1><0> ;bcm40183_wl_host_wake = port:PH10<0><0> ;bcm40183_bt_rst = port:PB05<1><0> ;bcm40183_bt_regon = port:PB05<1><0> ;bcm40183_bt_wake = port:PI20<1><0> ;bcm40183_bt_host_wake = port:PI21<0><0> ; 3 - rtl8723as sdio wifi + bt gpio config ;rtk_rtl8723as_wl_dis = port:PH09<1><0> ;rtk_rtl8723as_bt_dis = port:PB05<1><0> ;rtk_rtl8723as_wl_host_wake = port:PH10<0><0> ;rtk_rtl8723as_bt_host_wake = port:PI21<0><0> ; 4 - rtl8189es sdio wifi gpio config ;rtl8189es_shdn = port:PH09<1><0> ;rtl8189es_wakeup = port:PH10<1><1> ; 5 - rtl8192cu usb wifi ; 6 - rtl8188eu usb wifi ; 7 - ap6210 sdio wifi + bt gpio config ; 8 - ap6330 sdio wifi + bt gpio config ap6xxx_wl_regon = port:PH09<1><0> ;ap6xxx_wl_host_wake = port:PH10<0><0> ap6xxx_bt_regon = port:PH18<1><0> ap6xxx_bt_wake = port:PH24<1><0> ap6xxx_bt_host_wake = port:PH25<0><0> ap6xxx_lpo = port:PI12<4><1><1> [usb_wifi_para] usb_wifi_used = 0 usb_wifi_usbc_num = 2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;3G configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3g_para] 3g_used = 0 3g_usbc_num = 2 3g_uart_num = 0 3g_pwr = 3g_wakeup = 3g_int = ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;gyroscope ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [gy_para] gy_used = 0 gy_twi_id = 1 gy_twi_addr = 0x00 gy_int1 = port:PH18<6><1> gy_int2 = port:PH19<6><1> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;light sensor ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ls_para] ls_used = 0 ls_twi_id = 1 ls_twi_addr = 0x00 ls_int = port:PH20<6><1> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;compass ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [compass_para] compass_used = 0 compass_twi_id = 1 compass_twi_addr = 0x00 compass_int = port:PI13<6><1> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;blue tooth ;bt_used ---- blue tooth used (0- no used, 1- used) ;bt_uard_id ---- uart index ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [bt_para] bt_used = 1 bt_uart_id = 2 [i2s_para] i2s_used = 1 i2s_channel = 2 i2s_mclk = port:PB5<2><1> i2s_bclk = port:PB6<2><1> i2s_lrclk = port:PB7<2><1> i2s_dout0 = port:PB8<2><1> i2s_dout1 = i2s_dout2 = i2s_dout3 = i2s_din = port:PB12<2><1> [spdif_para] spdif_used = 1 spdif_mclk = spdif_dout = port:PB13<4><1> spdif_din = [audio_para] audio_used = 1 audio_pa_ctrl = port:PH15<1><0> [switch_para] switch_used=1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;ir --- infra remote configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ir_para] ir_used = 1 ir0_rx = port:PB04<2> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;pmu_twi_addr ---slave address ;pmu_twi_id ---i2c bus number (0 TWI0, 1 TWI2, 2 TWI3) ;pmu_irq_id ---irq number (0 irq0,1 irq1,……) ;pmu_battery_rdc ---battery initial resistance,mΩ,根据实际电池内阻填写 ;pmu_battery_cap ---battery capability,mAh,根据实际电池容量填写 ;pmu_init_chgcur ---set initial charging current limite,mA,300/400/500/600/700/800/900/1000/1100/1200/1300/1400/1500/1600/1700/1800 ;pmu_suspend_chgcur ---set suspend charging current limite,mA,300/400/500/600/700/800/900/1000/1100/1200/1300/1400/1500/1600/1700/1800 ;pmu_resume_chgcur ---set resume charging current limite,mA,300/400/500/600/700/800/900/1000/1100/1200/1300/1400/1500/1600/1700/1800 ;pmu_shutdown_chgcur ---set shutdown charging current limite,mA,300/400/500/600/700/800/900/1000/1100/1200/1300/1400/1500/1600/1700/1800 ;pmu_init_chgvol ---set initial charing target voltage,mV,4100/4150/4200/4360 ;pmu_init_chgend_rate ---set initial charing end current rate,10/15 ;pmu_init_chg_enabled ---set initial charing enabled,0:关闭,1:打开 ;pmu_init_adc_freq ---set initial adc frequency,Hz,25/50/100/200 ;pmu_init_adc_freqc ---set initial coulomb adc coufrequency,Hz,25/50/100/200 ;pmu_init_chg_pretime ---set initial pre-charging time,min,40/50/60/70 ;pmu_init_chg_csttime ---set initial constance-charging time,min,360/480/600/720 ;pmu_bat_para1 ---battery indication at 3.1328V ;pmu_bat_para2 ---battery indication at 3.2736V ;pmu_bat_para3 ---battery indication at 3.4144V ;pmu_bat_para4 ---battery indication at 3.5552V ;pmu_bat_para5 ---battery indication at 3.6256V ;pmu_bat_para6 ---battery indication at 3.6608V ;pmu_bat_para7 ---battery indication at 3.6960V ;pmu_bat_para8 ---battery indication at 3.7312V ;pmu_bat_para9 ---battery indication at 3.7664V ;pmu_bat_para10 ---battery indication at 3.8016V ;pmu_bat_para11 ---battery indication at 3.8368V ;pmu_bat_para12 ---battery indication at 3.8720V ;pmu_bat_para13 ---battery indication at 3.9424V ;pmu_bat_para14 ---battery indication at 4.0128V ;pmu_bat_para15 ---battery indication at 4.0832V ;pmu_bat_para16 ---battery indication at 4.1536V ;pmu_usbvol ---set usb-ac limited voltage level,mV,4000/4100/4200/4300/4400/4500/4600/4700,0 - not limite ;pmu_usbcur ---set usb-ac limited voltage level,mA,100/500/900, 0 - not limite ;pmu_usbvol_pc ---set usb-pc limited voltage level,mV,4000/4100/4200/4300/4400/4500/4600/4700,0 - not limite ;pmu_usbcur_pc ---set usb-pc limited voltage level,mA,100/500/900, 0 - not limite ;pmu_pwroff_vol ---set protect voltage when system start up,mV,2600/2700/2800/2900/3000/3100/3200/3300 ;pmu_pwron_vol ---set protect voltage after system start up,mV,2600/2700/2800/2900/3000/3100/3200/3300 ;pmu_pekoff_time ---set pek off time,ms, 4000/6000/8000/10000 ;pmu_pekoff_en ---set pek off enable, 0:关闭,1:打开 ;pmu_peklong_time ---set pek pek long irq time,ms,1000/1500/2000/2500 ;pmu_pekon_time ---set pek on time,ms,128/1000/2000/3000 ;pmu_pwrok_time ---set pmu pwrok delay time,ms,8/64 ;pmu_pwrnoe_time ---set pmu n_oe power down delay time,ms,128/1000/2000/3000 ;pmu_intotp_en ---set pmu power down when overtempertur enable,0:关闭,1:打开 ;pmu_suspendpwroff_vol ---set pmu shutdown voltage when cpu is suspend and battery voltage is low ;pmu_batdeten ---set pmu battery detect enabled,0:关闭,1:打开 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [pmu_para] pmu_used = 1 pmu_twi_addr = 0x34 pmu_twi_id = 0 pmu_irq_id = 32 pmu_battery_rdc = 120 pmu_battery_cap = 2100 pmu_init_chgcur = 300 pmu_earlysuspend_chgcur = 600 pmu_suspend_chgcur = 1000 pmu_resume_chgcur = 300 pmu_shutdown_chgcur = 1000 pmu_init_chgvol = 4200 pmu_init_chgend_rate = 15 pmu_init_chg_enabled = 1 pmu_init_adc_freq = 100 pmu_init_adc_freqc = 100 pmu_init_chg_pretime = 50 pmu_init_chg_csttime = 720 pmu_bat_para1 = 0 pmu_bat_para2 = 0 pmu_bat_para3 = 0 pmu_bat_para4 = 0 pmu_bat_para5 = 5 pmu_bat_para6 = 11 pmu_bat_para7 = 13 pmu_bat_para8 = 15 pmu_bat_para9 = 19 pmu_bat_para10 = 32 pmu_bat_para11 = 50 pmu_bat_para12 = 58 pmu_bat_para13 = 71 pmu_bat_para14 = 81 pmu_bat_para15 = 89 pmu_bat_para16 = 100 pmu_usbvol_limit = 1 pmu_usbcur_limit = 0 pmu_usbvol = 4000 pmu_usbcur = 0 pmu_usbvol_pc = 4200 pmu_usbcur_pc = 0 pmu_pwroff_vol = 3300 pmu_pwron_vol = 2900 pmu_pekoff_time = 6000 pmu_pekoff_en = 1 pmu_peklong_time = 1500 pmu_pekon_time = 1000 pmu_pwrok_time = 64 pmu_pwrnoe_time = 2000 pmu_intotp_en = 1 pmu_used2 = 0 pmu_adpdet = port:PH02<0> pmu_init_chgcur2 = 400 pmu_earlysuspend_chgcur2 = 600 pmu_suspend_chgcur2 = 1200 pmu_resume_chgcur2 = 400 pmu_shutdown_chgcur2 = 1200 pmu_suspendpwroff_vol = 3500 pmu_batdeten = 1 pmu_backupen = 1 [recovery_key] key_min = 4 key_max = 40 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; dvfs voltage-frequency table configuration ; ; max_freq: cpu maximum frequency, based on Hz, can not be more than 1008MHz ; min_freq: cpu minimum frequency, based on Hz, can not be less than 60MHz ; ; LV_count: count of LV_freq/LV_volt, must be < 16 ; ; LV1: core vdd is 1.45v if cpu frequency is (912Mhz, 1008Mhz] ; LV2: core vdd is 1.40v if cpu frequency is (864Mhz, 912Mhz] ; LV3: core vdd is 1.30v if cpu frequency is (720Mhz, 864Mhz] ; LV4: core vdd is 1.20v if cpu frequency is (528Mhz, 720Mhz] ; LV5: core vdd is 1.10v if cpu frequency is (312Mhz, 528Mhz] ; LV6: core vdd is 1.00v if cpu frequency is (144Mhz, 312Mhz] ; LV7: core vdd is 0.90v if cpu frequency is (60Mhz, 144Mhz] ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [dvfs_table] max_freq = 912000000 min_freq = 720000000 normal_freq = 720000000 LV_count = 7 LV1_freq = 1008000000 LV1_volt = 1450 LV2_freq = 912000000 LV2_volt = 1425 LV3_freq = 864000000 LV3_volt = 1350 LV4_freq = 720000000 LV4_volt = 1250 LV5_freq = 528000000 LV5_volt = 1150 LV6_freq = 312000000 LV6_volt = 1100 LV7_freq = 144000000 LV7_volt = 1050 [boot_disp] output_type = 3 output_mode = 4 auto_hpd = 1