Installation Guide

1. card images

a) extract the card image, e.g.
gzip -d cb-a20-lubuntu-desktop-card-v105.img.gz

b) write the image to TF card
dd if=cb-a20-lubuntu-desktop-card-v105.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M

a) Please use 4GB card at least

2. nand images
a) extract the nand image, e.g.
gzip -d cb-a20-lubuntu-12.10-v1.05.img.gz

b) start livesuit and select the extracted image

c) enter FEL mode and flash the image to nand

3. How to enter FEL mode?

a)Power off the Cubieboard
b)Press the FEL key, and holding it
c)Plugin microUSB wire, then release the FEL key