Ubuntu Linaro Server ==================== Overview -------- -Cubieboard4 micro-sd card linux os -Customized base on Ubuntu 14.04 trusty core linaro-server-v1.0 update -------------------------- 1)Based on 3.4.39 kernel cubietech branch 2)Supported AP6330 Wifi&Hostapd 3)Supported Network file system(NFS) debug 4)Pre-installed mysql,openss,python,php5,apache2 and so on linaro-server-v2.0 update -------------------------- 1)Optimize the audio 2)Support usb audio,CDC ACM,CD-ROM 3)Solved the console have no cursor problem 4)Add /root/install_emmc.sh script to intall system into EMMC 5)Optimize the Ethernet driver User&Passwd ----------- linaro/linaro root/cubieboard Origin rootfs ------------- http://releases.linaro.org/14.10/ubuntu/trusty-images/server Installation ------------ This a micro-sd card os,don't support like livesuit tools -Win32diskimager http://dl.cubieboard.org/model/cc-a80/Tools/Flash-firmware-tools/win32diskimager-v0.7-binary.zip -Linux shell tools "dd" can write the image to micro-sd card $ sudo dd if=xxx.img of=/dev/sd* ; sync ============================EMMC============================================ /root/install_emmc.sh can copy the whole system include the spl,uboot,kernel and rootfs into the emmc ,which let the board boot system from emmmc . =============================WIFI============================================== The name of WIFI drive module is bcmdhd ,you can use command "lsmod " see that it has been loading . Use command "iwlist wlan0 scan" can find the WIFI hotspot you want to connect . Add the ssid and passwd into /etc/network/interfaces . Beacuse first connect ,after reboot the board ,maybe need type: #ifconfig wlan0 down #ifconfig wlan0 up #/etc/init.d/networking restart =============================update sys_config.fex============================= sys_config.fex is a FEX file defines various aspects of how the SoC works. It configures the GPIO pins and sets up DRAM, Display, etc parameters. Each line consists of a key = value pair combination under a [sectionheader]. All three,[sectionheader], key and value are case-sensitive. For comments a semi-colon (;) is used and everything following a semi-colon is ignored. The chip does not parse a textual version of a fex file,it gets cleaned and compiled by a fex-compiler . After modified sys_config.fex ,excute the script update_sys_config.sh in the directory boot-file. If want to update the tfcar system ,use: #./update_sys_config.sh tfcard If want to update the emmc system ,use: #./update_sys_config.sh emmc Wait a moment.After executed it successful,please reboot the system.The modification will be effective. In order to prove the modification is effective ,you can change "heartbeat"to "none".After the reboot ,the red LED is not bright. If select wrong parameter,can't boot the system after reboot,so should execute the script again with correct parameter. =============================DISPLAY========================================== The cubieboard4 can't support VGA and HDMI double display output at the same time . To switch VGA 1024*768 display output : #cd /root/boot-file #cp vga_sys_config.fex sys_config.fex #./update_sys_config.sh tfcard #reboot To switch HDMI 1080p60 display output : #cd /root/boot-file #cp hdmi_sys_config.fex sys_config.fex #./update_sys_config.sh tfcard #reboot