Ubuntu Linaro Server ==================== Overview -------- -Cubieboard4 micro-sd card linux os -Customized base on Ubuntu 14.04 trusty core Build Log --------- [Cubieboard4 v1.0] -Based on 3.4.39 kernel cubietech branch -Supported AP6330 Wifi&Hostapd -Supported Network file system(NFS) debug -Pre-installed mysql,openss,python,php5,apache2 and so on User&Passwd ----------- linaro/linaro root/cubieboard Origin rootfs ------------- http://releases.linaro.org/14.10/ubuntu/trusty-images/server Installation ------------ This a micro-sd card os,don't support like livesuit tools -Win32diskimager http://dl.cubieboard.org/model/cc-a80/Tools/Flash-firmware-tools/win32diskimager-v0.7-binary.zip -Linux shell tools "dd" can write the image to micro-sd card $ sudo dd if=xxx.img of=/dev/sd* ; sync