Cubieez Readme ============== Specifications -------------- - If this is your first boot, please open a Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t) and run "cubie-config" as root - Benchmark tools, Mali400 sources and more stuff can be found at /root - X11VNC and SSH are running by default - Youtube, Dailymotion, Crackle, etc can be viewed with root session - Chromium can't run as root,please switch to cubie user - Please run $ sudo ./usr/bin/ as root to start bluetooth - If you want to set monitor resolution , you can touch "monitor setting". - If you Cubietuck can't mount sata,plaese format your sata device as root : Warnning :This Operation will clear all data in you sata,please make a backup 1)log in as root with X-window 2)remove any usb disk device,insert you sata 3)click "" in the desktop,and "Execute" this script to format your sata Tips ---- - Only support HDMI output display - Please use win32 tools to make bootable tf-card to flash tsd -------- 20150814