Cubieez Firmware Update ======================= 1.Firmware List ------------- cubieez-cb2-bootcard-hdmi-v2.0.img.7z | 20141127 2.Features ---------- -Kernel based on 3.4.79 cubietech -Based on Debian 7.6 Wheezy -Supported Iceweasel-browser -Can supported 720p video player -Clock & date synchro with fake-hwclock (via ntp) -LXDE base desktop with low mem consumption -Audio CODEC (jack audio), sunhdmi (HDMI audio) -X11VNC, SSH (SFTP too) and other basic utils installed -Gnome Mplayer (less CPU consumption than lxmusic) -Benchmark tools (@ /root) -SATA install supported 3.README -------- - If this is your first boot, please open a Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t) and run "cubie-config" as root - Benchmark tools, Mali400 sources and more stuff can be found at /root - X11VNC and SSH are running by default - Youtube, Dailymotion, Crackle, etc can be viewed with root session 4.User&passwd ------------- -user: cubie passwd:cubieboard -user: root passwd:cubieboard 5.Join in community ------------------- ------- thank you for your support